Thinking About Signing a Bail Contract; Better Know How Bail Bonds Work in Wyoming
How does bail bonds work in Wyoming? The inmate will be seen by the judge or court who will determine the bail amount within 72 hours of the defendant’s arrest. A licensed bondsman will write the bond at a 10% premium. If the defendant skips bail, they owe the bondsman 100% of the bond.
Friend or loved one arrested in Wyoming and you’re wondering how bail bonds work in Wyoming? This is a very important legal procedure that you need to take into account if you are accused of a crime but still want to maintain your freedom until the hearing. It’s also important to understand how Wyoming bail bonds work if you are going to be the co-signor (indemnitor) on a bail bond contract.
The bail bonds Wyoming rules are very helpful in this sort of situation, so let’s fully understand how you can use their power in order to secure bail and get out of jail fast.
How Much is Bail in Wyoming?
How Much is Your Bail?
Depend on one of the largest Cheyenne, Wyoming bail companies with flexible payment plans and terms available. Enter in the total bail amount needed to determine your approximate bail costs of find out if you’re elgible for a bail loan:
How Bail Bonds Work in Wyoming: Defendant Information
The bail bonds process allows you to get out on bail until the hearing takes place, but in order to do that you will have to offer the court a form of surety. This shows the court that you will actually come back to all court appointed hearings. Bail comes in many different forms, either as a property bond or signature bond, among many others. But each one has a specific set of rules if the defendant chooses to opt for any of them, although he can also try a combination of them in some situations.
If the defendant can’t afford Wyoming bail and another person is willing to help (the co-signor), the latter is considered a surety and his/her financial situation will be taken into account. This means that the surety also has to go with the defendant at the bail hearing.
The defendant needs to stay true to his word to show up to all court appointed hearings because if the bond is not fulfilled or if the defendant violates any conditions imposed by the court, then the bail will be revoked. Both the defendant and the co-signor will have to suffer in this regard as someone will need to repay the bondsman.
This is why it’s important to note that the surety needs to have a lot of confidence in the defendant. If the defendant skips on the bond, the co-signor is then responsible for the bail payment and any additional fees by the bondsman. These fees can include office fees, bounty hunter fees and any other out of pocket expense by the bondsman to catch the defendant.
So, if the defendant skips, a bench warrant (sometimes a felony fleeing warrant) will be issued. The defendant will eventually be arrested some time later, and will need a bond again. Listen up, not many bonding companies will bond someone out if they’ve skipped in the past. If you still need more information on how bail bonds work in Wyoming, keep reading and check in with a local Cheyenne bail bondsman in your area.
Wyoming Bail Bonds Information
Once the bail bond is set, the defendant has to choose from a wide range of Wyoming bail bonds options:
- There are property bonds, which will require the full ownership of a property from the defendant side. This means that the court will receive full ownership of the property until the bond is invalid.
- At the same time, the defendant can also opt for cash bail bonds, although the amount tends to differ in each city and also based on the gravity of the crime.
- Signature bonds can also be opted for, and these are also very simple, although the judge can request quite a lot of conditions to be inserted before the defendant signs.
It’s crucial to pay attention to all of these different bond types in order to get the best understanding of the situation and of course, what bail prices you can afford.
No matter the type of bail bonds Wyoming that the defendant opts for, these are indeed a necessity if he wants to stay free during the period before the hearing. If you were curious in regards to how bail bonds work in Wyoming, now you should have a great understanding of that. It’s always best to consult with your lawyer and secure a Cheyenne bail bonds company, as they will help you a lot!
How to Finance Wyoming Bail Bonds
Video: Wyoming Bail Bonds Information
Need more information about how bail bonds work in Wyoming, please visit the Wyoming Department of Insurance for updated information.