Can I get a New Cosignor for My Bail Bond?

If you’re worried about your cosignor attempting to be removed from the bond and throwing you back in jail, we have good news.

This question came in today by someone on bond who’s cosignor is using their indemnitor status to control them; who they can see, talk to where they can go, etc. This is an abusive situation.

If you are on bond and the person who cosigned for you is acting this way, there are ways to get them off the bond.For the defendant, this is how bail bonds work in West Virginia when dealing with the person who signed for your bond.

In this instance, a defendant has asked what happens if a cosignor removes their name from the bond.

The West Virginia Bail Bond Question

If my cosigner is using bond over me to make me stay with them not see my fam or friends and its become a way of feeling trapped in what was a friendship and they now wanna be with me and I’m not looking for that with anyone till i get myself together… if they do remove their name will they take it off without a good reason like I ran or I’m breaking the law again?

Can i get a new cosigner and do they have to pay the 10% again? I’m scared all the time of returning to jail for this.

We spoke with Travis at Ace’s Bail Bonds and he explained that the bondsmen in his company would first determine if the cosignor’s complaint was legitimate.

“We don’t just pull a cosignor off of a bond without reason. We take the time to consult with the defendant’s references and of course talk with the defendant to determine their situation.” says Travis.

He goes on to say, “We also make calls and check up on the defendant to determine if they are complying with the rules of the bond (no further crimes, they are checking in, making all court dates, etc). The defendant has a right to their bond and we make sure that everyone is acting accordingly.”

Can a Cosignor Remove themself From the Bond?

It is ultimately up to the bondsman if they will let the cosignor off the bond. This person would need a valid reason WITH PROOF to be released from liability.

Can I get a New Cosignor in West Virginia
You can get a New Cosigner in West Virginia!

Do I have to Pay 10% Again if I Find a New Cosignor?

The answer is no. Once you have a new cosigner approved, the bond amount will simply transfer. There are no other fees associated with removal or addition of an indemnitor.

That is not to say the cosigner will be instantly approved. The new cosignor will need to pass the same background check as all consignors wanting to sign a bail bond contract.

How Does the New Cosignor Sign For My Bond?

You will need to bring your new cosignor to the bondsman’s office. Here the bondsman will have them complete the indemnitor paperwork, check their background and ask the following questions:

  • Length of time in community
  • Length of time at their residence
  • Do they own a home or rent
  • Length of time at their job, (may request pay stubs or proof of employment)

What Happens When I get a New Person to Cosign my Bond?

Once you have someone you trust sign for your bond, the obligations you have are to the courts, the bondsman and the person who signed for you. You do just like the contract stipulates. You go to all court hearings and appointments, you stay away from drugs, you don’t get arrested and you check in.

NOTE: Do not attempt to have a new cosignor try to complete the bail paperwork and process over the phone. You must visit with your West Virginia bail bondsman at their office.

aces bail bonds west virginia

If you need bail in West Virginia call Travis with Ace’s Bail Bonds at 304-343-4223

About the author

Nick Judelson is a veteran bail bondsman who helps to show cosignors and defendants how to calculate bail and how bail bonds work throughout the United States.